01543 278071 office@fiveways.staffs.sch.uk


Please click icon above for the PSHE Curriculum Progression document


At Five Ways, we aim for excellence in everything we do. For academic teaching and learning to be successful, children need to be equipped with the basic personal, emotional and interpersonal skills. We intend for our PSHE curriculum to develop our children to become more independent, to understand how to keep healthy, both physically and emotionally and to be able to make successful friendships and express themselves.


At Five Ways, we teach in line with the PSHE Association. There are six areas of focus, one every half term. These are: Similarities and Differences, Healthy and Happy Friendships, Caring and Responsibility, Families and Committed Relationships, Health Body, Healthy Mind and Coping with Change. As a school, we also include opportunities to link British Values into the curriculum. In regular class assemblies, we focus on key elements of our PSHE curriculum. The personal development of our children is encouraged and valued as we provide an opportunity for children to debate and discuss learning objectives further. We believe that improving oracy will increase confidence and empower children with the belief that their voice has value. 


We do not record PSHE in individual books as the focus of our teaching is on communication, discussion and practical activities. We collate evidence of learning in our class work book. The PSHE teaching at Five Ways is designed to support children’s wellbeing; equipping children with the tools to build successful relationships and resolve conflicts. We consider the ultimate achievement to be that our children leave us with the social skills and ability to compete in later life that is equal to or greater than their peers nationally.