01543 278071 office@fiveways.staffs.sch.uk


Please click icon above for the Music Curriculum Progression document.


Music is fully embedded in every aspect of school life and our aspiration is that every child adopts a lifelong love of music.

At Five Ways Primary School, our goal is to promote a love and appreciation for music among our pupils. To enrich the musical experience for every child at our school our intent includes:

  • Enjoyment - Nurturing an environment where pupils can explore and enjoy music, fostering a lifelong passion for musical activities.
  • School Values - Embedding our values within musical education to support personal development and promote a sense of community.
  • Exposure to Different Musical Experiences - Providing varied and rich musical experiences from diverse cultures and genres, to broaden pupils’ understanding and appreciation of music.
  • Developing Confidence - Encouraging all children to participate and perform, helping them build confidence and self-esteem.
  • Composing and Improvising - Offering opportunities for children to create their own music, fostering creativity and problem-solving skills.
  • Emotions/Evoking Memories - Helping children express emotions and evoke personal memories through the exploration and performance of music.
  • Talent/Gift Opportunities - Identifying and nurturing musical talent, ensuring that every child has the chance to shine and develop their potential.


Music teaching at Five Ways is delivered through the use of the Charanga and Sing Up schemes of work, which will complement each other. Through these schemes, children of all attainments and backgrounds experience a range of broad and practical activities within their learning.

Each unit of work has an on-going musical learning focus and lessons usually follow a specific learning sequence:

  • Listen and Appraise
  • Musical Activities (including pulse and rhythm)
  • Singing and Voice
  • Playing instruments
  • Improvisation / Composition
  • Perform and Share


We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:

  • Through use of pupil voice using a music scrapbook.
  • Photo and video evidence of the pupils’ practical learning/performances.
  • Dedicated music time with the class teacher.

The impact of our music curriculum is also measured in the uptake of our year group performances and after school Choir club.