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Easter Boiled Egg Decoration Competition - 11/05/2022

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During the final week of the spring term, we were thrilled to see such wonderfully decorated eggs brought in from home, ready to be judged as part of the PTFA egg decoration competition.  It was clear to see how much time and effort had gone into designing and making the amazing creations.  I am pleased to announce that the year group winners were as follows:

     Nursery – Harriet Rowley         Year 3 – Celie Burden

     Reception – Ellie Blackmoor     Year 4 – Hope Fisher

     Year 1 – Emily Gough               Year 5 – Abbie Stimpson

     Year 2 – Jack Williams              Year 6 – Joe Dyke

From the winners above, I am pleased to announce that the overall winners for the whole school were as follows:      

1st – Hope Fisher (Year 4)

2nd – Celie Burden (Year 3)

3rd – Harriet Rowley (Nursery)

Well done to everyone who took part and a special thank you to Mrs Gray, who is the Chairperson of the PTFA, for organising all of the prizes!  You can see all of the prize winners, along with Mrs Gray and myself, photographed here.